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Urgent Care Medical Summit (Exp)

Urgent Care Medical Summit (Exp)

Course Summary


19 CME





Enhance your urgent care skills with this Master-level course from the Urgent Care Medical conference

Learn about core urgent care topics from the best educators in the field. This online course is a live recording of the Urgent Care Medical Summit conference, and covers topics ranging from the patient experience and commonly seen conditions to can’t-miss presentations and curveballs that may present to your urgent care. This course includes 18 hours of video content recorded during the live conference, downloadable pdfs of the slides, and a pre- and post-course quiz to test your knowledge.

Topics Covered in the


The Patient Experience

  • Methods to create an optimal first impression and build rapport with patients beginning with the first encounter

  • Strategies for communication of health topics with analogies and simple language to educate and empower patients in the medical decision-making process

Urgent Care & Burnout

  • Definition of burnout as it relates to the provider of care, and a history and current update of physician wellness and how it is integrated into the current medical education system

  • Discussion of the extent, major contributing factors, and consequences of the burned-out provider

  • Resources and diagnostic tools for recognition of clinical burnout

  • Strategies for prevention of burnout

Can't Miss Presentations

  • Chest pain, such as ACS and aortic dissection

  • Back pain, such as spinal epidural abscess and ruptured AAA

  • Fever and leg pain conditions, such as necrotizing soft-tissue infections such as fasciitis, myositis, and cellulitis

  • Sore throat, retropharyngeal abscess, Lemierre’s syndrome

  • Determination of causes of abdominal pain, including appendicitis, tubo-ovarian abscess, mesenteric ischemia, etc

Can't Miss Orthopedics Cases

  • Presentation and management strategies of 9 common orthopedic injuries, including manual examination and testing, diagnostic testing, and stabilization techniques

  • Cases included are distal phalanx extensor tendon avulsion, scapholunate dislocation after a FOOSH, distal biceps rupture, calcific tendonitis of the shoulder, adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder, hip osteoarthritis, labral tear of the hip joint, hamstring tear, and navicular stress fracture

Pediatric Non-Accidental Trauma

  • Specific injury patterns, such as bruises, burns, and fractures, and other signs of pediatric non-accidental trauma to aid in differentiating from accidental injuries

  • The approach to suspected NAT in the urgent care or emergent care setting, including appropriate history taking and specific documentation and reporting

Curveballs in Pediatric Urgent Care

  • Atypical pediatric presentations and atypical conditions that are not often seen in the urgent care setting, such as imperforate hymen, hemolytic uremic syndrome, Seymour fracture, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, pneumococcal meningitis, and methemoglobinemia

  • Approaches to diagnosing and treating these conditions, including the need for referral to other medical providers

Allergies and Asthma

  • Review of the signs and symptoms of allergic rhinitis versus other conditions to differentiate seasonal allergies from upper respiratory infections

  • Treatment of allergy and anaphylactic reactions to environmental triggers and medications

  • Assessment of asthma and management strategies for both acute and chronic asthma patients

Travel Medicine Evaluation in the Urgent Care Center

  • Review of travel epidemiology

  • Guide to assessment of patients preparing to travel, including itinerary, travel resources, and general recommendations

  • Discussion of special considerations, vaccinations (routine and travel-specific), and travel medications for conditions such as malaria, altitude sickness, and traveler-associated diarrhea

Can’t Miss ENT

  • Current evidence-based recommendations for antibiotic use and treatment of common upper respiratory tract and HEENT inflammation/infection conditions, and skills and tips on properly educating the patient on these conditions and management to achieve higher patient satisfaction

  • Management of common ENT conditions, such as epistaxis, otitis media and externa, sinusitis, and inner ear disorders

Urgent Care Ophthalmology

  • Review basics of the eye examination and identify red flags that require referral, such as orbital cellulitis, CRAO, and hyphema

  • Management of Eyelid conditions, including dacrostenosis, hordeolum, and chalazion

  • Presentation and management of eye conditions presenting with red conjunctiva, such as subconjunctival hemorrhage, conjunctivitis, and herpes ophthalmicus


  • Review of the risk factors for concussion in sport, including the type of sport and position played

  • Signs and symptoms associated with a concussed patient and the variable ways that these symptoms may present following an injury

  • Comorbidities commonly associated with patients who have a more protracted recovery course

  • Appropriate treatment and management protocols following acute concussions, including safe return to play and return to learn

Pregnancy Related Issues in the Urgent Care Setting

  • Review of the basic changes impacting a woman in pregnancy

  • Common clinical cases presenting in an obstetrical patient and management strategies

  • Medication use in pregnancy

  • Identification and triage of emergent obstetrical issues

Gynecologic Issues for the Non-OBGYN

  • Utilize current guidelines to identify and manage common gynecological conditions and complications

  • Review of the basics of the pelvic examination, cervical cancer screening, and ST testing, and determination of when patients require referral to the ED

  • Management of vulvar diseases, including cysts and lesions

  • Assessment of acute abdominal pain in the urgent care setting and identification of pelvic inflammatory disease, tubo-ovarian abscess, and endometritis

  • Assessment and management of patients presenting with vaginal bleeding

Clinical Pearls and Pitfalls: STD Management

  • Review of the basics of STI testing, routine screening, and interpretation of results, including testing appropriate for MSM, based on timing of exposure and other history as well as the physical examination

  • Discussion of the presentation of STIs, including HIV, syphilis, HSV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes

  • Review of common pitfalls in STD evaluation, including differentiation of STIs from other conditions

  • Approaches to counseling and disposition

  • Review of the most recent CDC STD Guidelines from 2021

Dermatology in the Setting of Urgent Care

  • Strategies for recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of common skin conditions seen in the outpatient setting

  • Morphology and common skin findings in the urgent care setting

  • Review of rashes, including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea, systemic lupus erythematosus, contact dermatitis, pityriasis rosea, morbilliform drug eruption, and more

  • Review of infections, including Lyme disease, verruca, Molluscum Contagiosum, herpes zoster and simplex, impetigo, cellulitis, and more

Urgent Care Pearls and Pitfalls

  • Implementation of improved practice patterns to deliver quality care and avoid errors

  • Recognition of the “lurking acuity” diagnoses of concern which may present similarly to benign illnesses

  • Identification of key steps to ensure that all aspects of diagnosis and management are addressed, with a focus on expanding the differential diagnosis based on examination and testing results; and manage commonly seen conditions, including back pain, rashes, fevers, pyelonephritis, abdominal aortic aneurysm, aortic dissection, midfoot fractures, scaphoid fractures, and occult elbow fractures

Courses Included

Urgent Care Medical Summit (Exp)

Urgent Care Medical Summit (Exp)

Urgent Care Medical Summit (Exp)

Continuing Medical Education

ACCME Accreditation:

Master Clinicians is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Credit Designation:

Master Clinicians, LLC designates this enduring material for a maximum of 19 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

AOA Accreditation:

This educational activity is eligible for 19 Category 2-B credit hours by the American Osteopathic Association.

Urgent Care Medical Summit (Exp)

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