A comprehensive CME course covering common and not so common conditions and presentations to prepare clinicians to work in urgent care
This bundle includes 3 of our most popular urgent care courses and is a great introductory course for physicians, PAs, and NPs working in urgent care, or for those seeking a comprehensive refresher course at a great value. Learn from the best medical directors and educators from leading urgent care centers. Catch the clinical time bombs and subtle deadly findings for patients that walk into your primary care, urgent care, or emergency department. With this course, you will learn to identify crucial findings in the areas of orthopedics, cardiopulmonary, EKG, x-rays, urology, ENT, ophthalmology, and more. Additionally, prepare for the unique health concerns and conditions in female patients, from pregnancy to menopause to gynecological conditions and other issues that only affect women. This comprehensive course bundle includes 46.5 CME credits, 46.5 hours of video content, downloadable pdfs of the slides, BONUS podcasts, and a pre- and post-course quiz to test your knowledge.
Topics Covered in the
Urgent Care Medical Summit
The Patient Experience
Urgent Care & Burnout
Can't Miss Presentations
Can't Miss Orthopedics Cases
Pediatric Non-Accidental Trauma
Curveballs in Pediatric Urgent Care
Allergies and Asthma
Travel Medicine Evaluation in the Urgent Care Center
Can’t Miss ENT
Urgent Care Ophthalmology
Pregnancy Related Issues in the Urgent Care Setting
Gynecologic Issues for the Non-OBGYN
Clinical Pearls and Pitfalls: STD Management
Dermatology in the Setting of Urgent Care
Urgent Care Pearls and Pitfalls
Can't Miss Urgent Diagnoses
Can't Miss Diagnoses with Common Presentations
Can't Miss EKG Findings
Can't Miss Orthopedics
Evaluation of the Dyspneic Patient
Can't Miss Chest Pain
Can't Miss Urology
Can't Miss Abdominal Pain in Women
Can't Miss Ophthalmology Complaints
Can't Miss ENT
Non-Accidental Pediatric Trauma
BONUS Podcast Series: Can't Miss X-rays in Urgent Care
BONUS Podcast Series: Can't Miss EKG's in Urgent Care
BONUS Podcast Series: Can't Miss Dermatology in Urgent Care
Urgent Care Women's Health
Gynecologic Issues for the Non-OBGYN
Pregnancy Related Issues in the Outpatient Setting: Tips for the Non-OBGYN
Women and STIs
Chronic Abdominal & Pelvic Pain in Women: Beyond Quadrants
Understanding and Supporting the Mental Health of Women
Can't Miss Abdominal Pain in Women
Medical Nutrition Therapy for Women
Hysteria and Headaches
Updates in Contraceptives
BONUS: Why Telemedicine is Great for Women and Children
Continuing Medical Education
ACCME Accreditation:
Master Clinicians is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
AOA Accreditation:
This educational activity is eligible for 46.5 Category 2-B credit hours by the American Osteopathic Association.