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Pediatric Urgent Care Essentials for the NP

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Course Summary


5.85 CE




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300 tokens | $350

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Step up your pediatric urgent and emergent care game with this course.

Enhance your pediatric care skills whether working in urgent care or in the emergency department and build confidence in managing these unique patients. In this case-based course, you will learn to identify various causes of fever, abdominal pain, and rashes, among others, as well as typical and atypical presentations of a variety of pediatric conditions, including impetigo, Kawasaki disease, pyloric stenosis, testicular torsion, and many more. And most importantly, utilize crucial findings to differentiate the life-threatening conditions from those that are not. This course includes 5.8 CEs, 6.5 hours of video content, downloadable pdfs of the slides, and a pre- and post-course quiz to test your knowledge.

Topics Covered in the


Fever in Babies

  • Systematic approach to evaluation of neonates and infants with fever

  • Well-appearing neonates and full sepsis evaluation

  • Causes, incidence, and management of SBI in neonates and infants

  • Components of a full sepsis workup

  • Evidence-based guidelines and clinical decision rules for risk screening and management

  • Management of special cases, such as premature infants, immunocompromised patients, and infants with hardware

Abdominal Pain

  • Common causes of abdominal pain, including colic, gastroenteritis, UTI, constipation, viral syndromes, appendicitis, and dysmenorrhea versus emergent causes of abdominal pain, including intussusception, necrotizing enterocolitis, incarcerated hernias, mesenteric adenitis, pancreatitis, and ovarian torsion, among others, based on age group

  • Systematic approach to the history and physical examination

  • Risk factors and clinical presentations for each of the conditions covered, as well as necessary diagnostic testing

Childhood Rashes: Benign or Worrisome?

  • In-depth review of presentation of rashes based on age group to aid in diagnosis

  • Treatment approaches for common versus emergent rashes, including HSP, Kawasaki disease, diaper dermatitis, impetigo, roseola, fifth disease, measles, and many more

The Autistic and Special Needs Child in Urgent Care

  • Review of autism spectrum disorder and creating an ASD-friendly environment in your practice

  • Proper approach to examining and treating a pediatric patient with autism who presents with common conditions such as sore throat or otitis media and more urgent conditions such as lacerations and fractures

  • Strategies to avoid common missed diagnoses and mistakes made in the treatment of patients with autism

Non-Accidental Trauma

  • Specific injury patterns, such as bruises, burns, and fractures, and other signs of pediatric non-accidental trauma to aid in differentiating from accidental injuries

  • The approach to suspected NAT in the urgent care or emergent care setting, including appropriate history taking and specific documentation and reporting

Pediatric Curveballs

  • Atypical pediatric presentations and atypical conditions that are not often seen in the urgent care setting, such as imperforate hymen, hemolytic uremic syndrome, Seymour fracture, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, pneumococcal meningitis, and methemoglobinemia

  • Approaches to diagnosing and treating these conditions, including the need for referral to other medical providers

The Master Clinicians Urgent Care Membership offers access to the entire Urgent Care library! 

As a member, you can decide what course you like and learn at your own pace. There are over 150 CME credits hours of educational lectures taught by the industry’s best from AFC, GoHealth, CityMD, PM Pediatrics, UCA/NERUCA, NextCare, and Academic Centers such as Northwell, Mount Sinai and John Hopkins. In addition, there are many perks and free access to our Master Clinicians Urgent Care Summit live event.

Over $6,500 worth of value for only $1,000!

Membership Access for an Entire Year!

Access to all Master Clinicians created

Urgent Care Library

(over 150 CME hours)

Includes These Courses and Bundles:

  • Urgent Care Essentials (5 CME credits)

  • Pediatric Urgent Care Essentials (6.5 CME credits)

  • Family Medicine Essentials (5 CME credits)

  • Emergency Medicine Essentials (15 CME credits)

  • Urgent Care Curveballs - Unexpected Diagnosis (8 CME credits)

  • Rapid Fire X-ray Crash Course for Urgent Care (8.5 CME credits)

  • Mastery Workshop - Laceration Repair (3 CME credits)

  • Mastery Workshop - Urgent Care Orthopedics (4 CME credits)

  • Master Workshop - Cant Miss X-Ray Findings (3 CME credits)

  • Urgent Care Women’s Health (10 CME credits)

  • Cant Miss Urgent Diagnosis (17.5 CME credits)

  • Urgent Care Medical Summit (19 CME credits)

  • Toxicology Essentials (4 CME credits)

  • Psychiatry for the Family Medicine Doctor (1 CME credits)

  • Clinician Burnout (1 CME credit)

  • Cardiology Essentials (5 CME credits)

  • Health Care Today: Providing Care for All (9 CME credits)

  • ​DOT Medical Examiner Certification Bundle

  • Camp Medicine Essentials (3 CME credits)

Now Also Includes:


Urgent Care

Summit Conference

(5 CME credits)

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DOT Certification/

Recertification Course

(10 CME credits)


Urgent Care Podcast Series

(7.5 CME credits)

Continuing Education

Credit Designation:

This activity is approved for 5.8 contact hour(s) of continuing education (which includes 0 hour(s) of pharmacology) by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners®. Activity ID# 22095808. This activity was planned in accordance with AANP Accreditation Standards and Policies.

Courses Included

Item Title

Item Title

Item Title


Pediatric Urgent Care Essentials for the NP

CME Course & Bundle Recommendations

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Pediatric Urgent Care Essentials for the NP



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Pediatric Urgent Care Essentials for the NP



800 tokens | $1000
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Pediatric Urgent Care Essentials for the NP



800 tokens | $1000
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